When it comes to your child’s dental health, you always want the best. Dentists have found that tooth decay and malocclusion are two of children’s most common oral health problems. In such situations, restorative dentistry becomes the most important. There are varied reasons behind opting for restorative dentistry for kids. Discover the major aspects of restorative dentistry; we bet you didn’t know yet.
What Is Restorative Dentistry?
Restorative dentistry is performed to treat and replace missing or damaged teeth. If your child faces any dental injury or has developed a cavity from all those chocolates, then restorative dentistry practices can help. Your dentist will be able to effectively restore the teeth of your child for better oral health.
What are the most common dental conditions among children?
Dental erosion: This condition is commonly found among children, where your child faces the loss of tooth enamel badly. It happens because of excessive exposure to c diff and liquid foods.
Gingivitis: It is characterized by the inflammation of the gingival tissues with no bone loss.
Pediatric periodontitis: Once you let your kid avoid gingivitis, they are most likely to develop pediatric periodontitis. It’s a severe oral condition affecting the gums and jawbone. If your kid has bleeding and receding gums, you will know they have gum disease.
What Is The Most Common Restorative Material Used In Dentistry?
Dental restorative materials are placed directly into a tooth cavity. Amalgam is the gold standard for carrying out durable restorations. However, resin composites are also capable of acquiring longer survival rates. These two materials are mostly used in restorative dentistry for dental restorations.
Treatments Included In Restorative Dentistry For Children
Strip crowns: These are tooth-colored caps that are placed on the front teeth that have developed cavities. Since cavities are a common problem among children, thus, these strip crowns cover the entire tooth made of composite fillings. With the help of strip crowns, it gives your kid a natural appearance as they are tooth-colored.
Pulpotomy: Your kid’s tooth comprises varied layers of structure. The pulp is the deepest portion of a tooth, where cavities reach after much ignorance. Once it reaches the pulp, it gets infected, and the infected parts need to be removed with the help of pulpotomy.
Cavity fillings: Using composite filling with a tooth-colored material helps your kid restore decay both in the front and back teeth. It’s considered the most common type of dental restoration and the least invasive.
Why Is GIC The Best Restorative Material For Kids?
Glass ionomer cement, or GIC, is one of the best restorative materials for kids. It’s primarily because they have very low shrinkage levels and are thermally compatible with your kid’s tooth structure. With GIC, dentists tend to enhance the restoration strength, eliminating the need for a bonding agent during placement.
Benefits Of Restorative Dentistry For Children
The primary purpose of restorative dentistry for children is to repair the damage of caries in your kids. You can preserve and protect their tooth structure with its extensive cavity filling and pulpotomy services. It eventually helps in maintaining the vitality of pulp whenever possible. In addition, restorative dentistry practice helps in improving the oral functionality of your kid, helping them to restore your biting pattern and facilitate teeth alignment for better chewing as well. However, you need to visit your dentist to get the best suggestion for your children.
The Final Verdict
Having misaligned teeth lowers the self-esteem of children badly. Don’t let that happen; seek professional help from dentists. Get them the best restorative dentistry services and help them restore their facial appearance naturally. Schedule an appointment with your dentist and help your kid get good oral health for a better future.