How are appointments scheduled?
The office attempts to schedule appointments at your convenience and when time is available. Preschool children should be seen in the morning because they are fresher and we can work more slowly with them for their comfort. School children with a lot of work to be done should be seen in the morning for the same reason. Dental appointments are an excused absence. Missing school can be kept to a minimum when regular dental care is continued.
Since appointed times are reserved exclusively for each patient we ask that you please notify our office 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment time if you are unable to keep your appointment. It is our policy to charge for an appointment that is cancelled within 12 hours of the allotted time. Unfortunately, the reserved time usually cannot be filled with that short of notice. We realize that unexpected things can happen, but we ask for your assistance in this regard.

Do I stay with my child during the visit?
We ask that you allow your child to accompany our staff through the dental experience. We are all highly experienced in helping children overcome anxiety. Separation anxiety is not uncommon in children, so please try not to be concerned if your child exhibits some negative behavior. This is normal and will soon diminish. Studies and experience have shown that most children over the age of 3 react more positively when permitted to experience the dental visit on their own and in an environment designed for children.
What about finances?
Payment for professional services is due at the time dental treatment is provided. Every effort will be made to provide a treatment plan which fits your timetable and budget, and gives your child the best possible care. We accept cash, personal checks, debit cards and most major credit cards. We also offer Care Credit, a simple way to consolidate and manage out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. Care Credit offers a revolving line of credit that can be used for any family member. You can be pre-approved to obtain this credit card on line at or call 800 365-8295. Please call our office if you have any questions.

Our Office Policy Regarding Dental Insurance
As a courtesy to our insured patients, we submit claims to your insurance company free of charge. We will help you to receive your maximum allowable benefits. In order to do this we need your insurance card and/or insurance policy with you on your first visit of every calendar year.
Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. We are not a party in that contract. Patients who have dental insurance are expected to pay the amount of their estimated co-pay, deductible, and for any services that are not covered by their insurance plan at the time that services are rendered.
If your insurance does not pay your account within 60 days, the balance will be your responsibility. Please remember that we cannot bill your insurance company unless you provide us with accurate information.
Regardless of an insurance company’s arbitrary determination of what they think this is usual and customary, you are responsible for payment of the full amount charged.