What is Preventive Dental Care?
As the name suggests, preventive dental care is the act of caring the teeth to keep it fit and healthy. A routine preventive dental care can help children avoid cavities, gingivitis, gum infections, enamel wear, space deficiency etc. We provide a wide array of dental care services.

Dental Prophylaxis
Dental Prophylaxis is the medical term for ‘professional dental cleaning’. It is the process of removal of plaque, stain, and calculus from the surface of the teeth. We advise you to visit us with your kid twice a year for dental prophylaxis.

Fluoride is the mineral present in your child’s teeth that prevent cavity formation. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), Fluoride is effective in fighting caries. The topical application of Fluoride at our Bradley office can help your kid avoid dental cavities.

Pit and Fissure Sealants
Usually placed in the pits and fissures of the teeth, they help reduce the risk of caries in predisposed pits and fissures. Their main importance lies in the fact that 80-90 % cavities in the permanent posterior teeth and 44% in primary posterior teeth take place in the pits and fissures. Sealants are commonly placed after the first and second permanent molars appear. The first appears at the age of six, while the second appears at the age of 12.

Space Maintenance
An early loss of a primary tooth can lead to carries, trauma, or other disorders. Also, it can lead to unnecessary movement of the opposite or the adjacent tooth. This is the reason why we recommend space maintenance therapy. It also helps to maintain the space for the adult tooth.