Welcome! Thank you for choosing Joyful Smiles Pediatric Dentistry as the dental care provider for your child. We are committed to providing your child with the best dental care.
The following is our “financial policy” which we would like you to read and sign. All parents should also complete our New Patient Form and bring it to our office at your first visit. We want you to feel welcome and as comfortable as possible throughout our relationship. We encourage you to ask questions and to be involved in treatment decisions. This includes understanding your child’s treatment plan as well as our financial policy.
Full payment is due at the time that service is rendered. Payments may be made using cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, AMEX and/or Discover. We also offer CARECREDIT, which is a financing option that is available for healthcare expenses.

Patients With Insurance
As a courtesy to our insured patients, we submit claims to your insurance company free of charge. We will help you to receive your maximum allowable benefits. In order to do this we need your insurance card and/or insurance policy with you on your first visit of every calendar year.
Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. We are not a party in that contract. Patients who have dental insurance are expected to pay the amount of their estimated co-pay, deductible, and for any services that are not covered by their insurance plan at the time that services are rendered.
If your insurance does not pay your account within 60 days, the balance will be your responsibility. Please remember that we cannot bill your insurance company unless you provide us with accurate information.
Regardless of an insurance company’s arbitrary determination of what they think this is usual and customary, you are responsible for payment of the full amount charged.
Rescheduling / Cancellation
Our practice is dedicated to quality care and exceptional service. Our doctors and team spend extensive amounts of time preparing for your visit. Broken and missed appointments create scheduling problems for our team as well as other clients. If you find that you must change your appointment; we require a minimum of 24 hours notice so that we may make every effort to accommodate other clients. If proper notice is not received, a fee of $50.00 will be charged to your account.