White and healthy teeth are essential when it comes to kids. Some things help them have the self-assurance they need to play and interact with their friends children who don’t have a lot of confidence can end up being alone and having problems when they grow up. It will make your child less confident if their teeth aren’t white. Our Joyful Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Bradly will definitely help your child with a whitened smile and also provide tooth-colored restoration.
Kids should have their teeth whitened just like adults. It’s straightforward to whiten your child’s teeth naturally. We’ll show you some natural ways to make your child’s teeth whiter and more confident.
Why Is My Child’s Teeth Yellow?
It’s important to know why your child’s teeth are discolored so that you can help them get better. This will help you keep your teeth white after you have them whitened.
Stop Taking Certain foods and drinks can be dangerous
Many foods and drinks can make kids’ teeth look yellow. Many kids don’t brush their teeth very well, which makes this happen quickly.
Chemicals and other supplements
Kids who take iron supplements are more likely to have their teeth become discolored because of metallic salts like these.
Fluoride is too much.
It has been found that kids who mix concentrated instant formula with fluoridated water can have their teeth turn yellow. If you give your child a lot of instant recipes with fluoride water, you will see streaks on their teeth.
There is Not Enough Enamel In This Case
This is usually a family trait. Others have Enamel that isn’t as strong, making their teeth turn yellow.
Children’s teeth can be whitened naturally as well
These natural ways to whiten your child’s teeth will help them get rid of their dark teeth.
Brush your teeth with Baking Soda
People of all ages use baking soda to make their teeth whiter. This is why most commercial toothpaste has baking soda in them. It’s abrasive, so it’s suitable for removing teeth stains because it scrubs them away. Because baking soda is alkaline, it also stops the growth of bacteria in your mouth.
Baking soda will not whiten your child’s teeth in a day. A change in your child’s teeth color might not show up for a while. If you want your kids to brush their teeth with baking soda regularly correctly, you will need to make sure they do it.
Two teaspoons of water should be added to every teaspoon of baking soda to make a paste. Your child doesn’t need to brush with baking soda every day. They can use the paste twice or three times a week to brush.
Hydrogen Peroxide to get your teeth to look whiter.
Also, you can have your child brush their teeth with hydrogen peroxide to help them clean their teeth better. Because it is natural, it can help your child’s teeth become whiter. Hydrogen peroxide also kills the bacteria that cause tooth decay, which is why you should use it. Most toothpaste also has hydrogen peroxide, which can help get rid of the stains on your teeth.
It would be best to be very careful in using hydrogen peroxide to whiten your child’s teeth because it can damage their teeth. Using a lot of hydrogen peroxide can hurt the gums and make them more sensitive. The first thing you can do with hydrogen peroxide is to rinse their mouth with it before brushing their teeth.
Make sure to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
Studies show that kids who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables can get rid of their dark teeth. Get your child to eat more fruits and vegetables, and their teeth will be strong and healthy. Some fruits can help remove stains and plaque as they are chewed. Dentists say that pineapples and strawberries can help kids who have yellow teeth.
Lemon Baking Soda Mix
Lemon and baking soda can be mixed to make a paste that can help your child’s teeth get whiter. Your child will use the paste to brush their teeth. Afterward, your child should let the paste sit on their teeth for at least two minutes before they rinse. The baking soda and lemon mix should only be used once a week. This is because lemon is acidic, and if you use it a lot, it can wear down your teeth’ surface.
Eat foods that aren’t very acidic or sweet.
Sugary and acidic foods are the most common cause of a child’s teeth becoming yellow. You should limit your child’s consumption of these foods to keep their teeth bright white.
If you want to brighten your child’s teeth, Visit Joyful Smiles Pediatric Dentistry In Bradley for all kinds of kid’s dental treatment services in Bradley.