Dental emergencies have the potential to be life-threatening and can happen in the case of kids as well. As you might have figured out from the title, in this blog we are going to discuss the emergency dental situations that can be faced by kids. Always remember that lack of knowledge can act as a barrier to taking care of your child’s health. So, why wait anymore? Go through the sections below to draw an end to any confusion related to this topic.
Let us now talk about what dental emergencies actually are. Well, they can be defined as problems involving your teeth and supporting tissues that are of high importance to be treated by the relevant professional. Not all of these issues are painful but they can be a reason for your nightmare in the future years. They are:
- The first type of dental emergency that can emerge in the case of kids is a cut or bitten tongue, lip, cheek, etc. You should never panic during these problems. All you need to do is just keep calm and try to think about resolving the issue. It is advisable to use gentle pressure applied with a cloth or a clean gauge. Visit a dental clinic nearby if the bleeding doesn’t stop within a span of 10-15 minutes.
- A tooth of your kid can also get knocked off due to an accident or any other situation. You need to pick up the tooth by its crown and avoid handling the root portion. Rinse the tooth with milk and then try to reinsert it in the socket. Then, ask your kid to hold the tooth firmly in place by biting down on a gauze or a cloth. Executing so many steps might seem difficult, so try to reach a quality dental clinic near you.
- It is to be noted that there is no reason for reinserting a baby tooth if it gets knocked out. You should know that doing so can really cause damage to the permanent teeth of your kid.
- It has been seen that kids often suffer from severe toothaches. Dealing with such a situation successfully can be really difficult without proper knowledge. First, clean the area of the problem tooth. Then, try to get your kid’s mouth rinsed properly. Then use warm salt water to rinse the mouth as vigorously as your little one can. You can also choose to floss the teeth to get rid of the remnant food particles from between the teeth. Ibuprofen can be used to reduce pain, and ice packs can be applied to lessen facial swelling. Try to contact an emergency dentist as soon as possible.
- In case of a broken tooth, you should try to find and save the tooth fragments. You need to rinse the broken tooth with warm water and also apply ice to reduce the swelling. Try to visit a dental clinic immediately.
We hope that you have now gained a clear understanding of the dental emergencies that are pretty common for kids. Try to calm yourself during these situations and try to think quickly.
Contact Joyful Smiles Pediatric Dentistry of Bradley if looking for the best emergency dentist for kids in Bradley IL. We not just offer a wide array of excellent kids dentistry treatments under the same roof but also provide an answer to all your questions. Be it questions about the importance of fluoride for oral health or preventive dental care, we are here to get your back. Book an appointment today.